Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The State of Humanity

I sometimes feel as though I receive far more than I deserve. In reality, the only thing I have "accomplished" is schoolwork. In reality, the only thing I have "given", is friendship. Neither of these demand recognition or payment, hospitality or service. I am not great at anything, and I struggle (at least internally) through most. And despite often feeling as though I need to prove myself, I have received far more respect, honor, and grace than I could ever come close to deserving in a lifetime.

So a friend of mine was talking today, as usual, about the state of humanity - the state of society. He is almost always negative about it, fearing for the end of civilization as we know it. But in the face of yet another time of being humbled in the face of others' grace, I am unwilling to go there. There is evil in this world; I have come to expect sin. But hospitality is also alive. Faith is active. Respect is present. And it's because of this reality that I am who I am and I have received what I have. Humanity might not be on the fastest track to utopia (however that is defined), but it surely has an undying hope and drive to it. And for the individuals who have aimed, at least in part, their hope and hospitality towards me, I am profoundly grateful.