Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Die alten Männer

So apparently I have the tendencies of an old man. On my way to work, I walk over a bridge that crosses some S-Bahn (street train) tracks. And almost directly under this bridge, they are building a new station. It will make traveling for many, many people much more convenient (I, unfortunately, am not one of those people). But now that the weather is starting to warm up - and by that I mean starting to remain in the 40's - they have started pouring cement and actually building this station. I find this work fascinating, and would love to watch them do this. However, the old men of the community have already beat me to it. As long as the construction workers are busy, there are at least 3 men standing at the railing and looking down. Now, I suppose I could join them, but I haven't been able to bring myself to do that. Which is sad, because it would probably be a great deal of fun and, as someone in my class said yesterday, speaking a foreign language with "old people" is the best thing to do, because they are patient. I'm not sure that that really holds true, but I'm sure these men would be excited. But then again, I wouldn't want to be a distraction to their daily fun...