Saturday, March 22, 2008

Kongeriket Noreg

This whole year I've heard people talk about Canada and have seriously started to consider moving there after graduation. It's supposed to be this mixture of the States and Europe, which would be perfect for me. And the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada trades pastors with the ELCA, so no problem there, either. Maybe I'd try to get placed in Vancouver.

However. Last night, in one of my wonderful evenings with a non-church friend (Yay for geographically-close-non-church friends, by the way. This one, at least, provides my sanity.), I was shown this video. He's Norwegian, and tells me that everything in here is true and also that he's never actually heard of anyone getting the 21-year sentence that is mentioned. Oh, and one thing that's not mentioned in the video: their biggest problem? The country has too much money (Seriously. Mainly because the state owns their all of their oil fields.). It's like fairy-tale land.

I'm moving to Norway.